Sunday, April 29, 2007

Marina By Night

With the purchase of my small Canon Ixus 850 it has more or less relegated my rather nifty Sony DSC-R1 to dust gathering duty, particularly on some of the 4x4/camping trips I have been on recently. It is just so convenient to have close at hand due to its size.

After a lot of looking at the photos on Picasa - I felt that there was something "missing" from these photos. On first impressions they looked good - however on real inspection they were somewhat disappointing. So the other evening in an effort to avoid upgrading immediately to some form of Digital SLR I dusted off the Sony R1 and took a few night shots of the Marina. For me the results were startlingly. Here is my favorite and currently my windows desktop:

This and a couple of other photos I took can be found here at their full resolution. In comparison with the same picture taken with the compact canon (it is here )- the difference is basically night and day. The megapixel count is not too far apart (10.1 vs 7.1) - but you just can not beat great glass.

(Prediction - I will be writing something similar about a Digital SLR vs a fixed lens digital camera in the not too distant future)


AM said...

Ha! Very nice shots.

I'm planning to buy a camera and start roaming around into some remote areas in the UAE. As I'm not much into technology, I think I'll be printing the Sony page linked here.
Sank you :)

Aaron said...

Thanks AM. I was looking back at my photo collection and it has almost doubled since I have started living in Dubai.

Good luck in your travels around the UAE in getting some nice shots.

Mme Cyn said...

Impressive. From that vantage point and at night, it looks like the marina is part of a real city. Pity that by daylight you can see the half-finished and half-empty buildings and the construction dust everywhere.... or has it changed since the last time I was down there?

Aaron said...

Hi mme_cyn - well the Marina is changing on a weekly basis. Certainly much more of it is complete with people now moving into the JBR. However there is still a lot of construction going on - and will continue to be, for at least three more years.